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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1311
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2022 .15 .6407
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 5،
issue Number 75
Analysis of the Focusing Component with Emphasis on Psychological Aspects in the Story of the Lights I Turn Off by Zoya Pirzad
Fatemeh Sadri , Javad Taheri (Author in Charge), Lida Namdar
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Centralization is a challenging and emerging perspective in the field of narrator discussions and perspective in narratological theory that discusses the perceptual aspects, emotional and ideological reflection of the narrators and focuses on who sees the world of fiction. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the story of "I turn off the lights, Ms. Zoya Pirzad" from a focal point of view and in psychological terms. The reason for choosing this approach is that in this story, the author has explicitly and explicitly used the category of "who sees" in the context of centralization. The first person narrator of the story, Clarice, by focusing her attention and perception on the mindsets and inner selves of her identity and those around her, finally at the end of the story changes her worldview to the narratives of identity, gender, love, emotional and cognitive issues in the field. Psychology and social challenges.
METHODOLOGY: This article analyzes the content of the data from the perspective of centralization and from the theoretical point of view of post-genetic issues and what Raymond Keenan has considered from the story of I turn off the lights and then analyzes the content of this data.
FINDINGS: The story of the lights I turn off is a reflection of a woman"s focal point of view in contemporary fiction of the eighties. As the focal point of the story, Clarice focuses on the past and the present and seeks her identity, part of which is her ethnic heritage in the collective subconscious. What affects her feminine identity, and by focusing on it, she intends to align the audience with it, is the need for the attention of others and the avoidance of criticism.
CONCLUSION: In centralization and its emerging topics, the audience becomes acquainted with the perspective and worldview of the reflectors of the story to their inner and outer world and sees the invisible. By analyzing centralization, it is concluded that Clarice, by focusing on inner thoughts, psychological aspects with cognitive, emotional, and ideological dimensions, can reflect her lost identity and lack of intellectual independence. Achieve a mirror of her life performance and in this reflection achieve her change of attitudes towards the roles of female identity, wife, mother, family and a social activist. It also reflects and challenges its pessimistic thoughts, which are the result of ethnic subconscious heritage, and forms new changes with a new focus on life and community, and the family.
, Narrative
, Rimmon- Kenan
, Psychology
, I turn off the lights
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